Bruschetta alla Petrella

30 Mins
Petrella Herbs
Bruschetta alla Petrella

Ingredients (for 4 portions):

2 shallots, 200g of cherry tomatoes, 100g of mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, 1 baguette, 125g of Petrella Herbs


Peel off shallots, wash tomatoes, clean mushrooms and cut everything into small dices. Heat oil in a pan, add shallots and mushrooms and fry everything. Add tomatoes and simmer until all liquids have evaporated. Season with thyme, salt and pepper.
Cut baguette into slices and put them in the pre-heated oven (200° C) for 5-7 minutes until they are crispy toasted.
Spread the baguette slices with Petrella and add the tomato-mushroom-mixture.
Serve with basil.